Livelihood Skills Training for EVD Survivors in Seven Districts
A course to help Ebola survivors rebuild their lives and manage their finances has been delivered to over 300 EVD survivors in Bombali.
The three-day course provided career counselling and training in financial literacy to 319 EVD survivors, which included learning how to open and operate a bank account.
Three hundred and ninety-one survivors in the district also received Le350,000 for their second stipend payments. Similar payments were made to 1,179 survivors in Tonkolili, Port Loko, Koinadugu, Moyamba, Kenema and Kailahun Districts.
These stipend payments and financial literacy trainings are part of the President’s Recovery Priorities for livelihood support to EVD Survivors, which is implemented by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs (MSWGCA) and funded by UNDP.