Ebola don go, leh we make Salone grow!

Extension to the President's Delivery Team
Following its closing event in June this year, the President's Delivery Team has received an extension from DFID until the end of November 2017 to further embed President's Recovery Priorities systems and processes within MDAs and to continue supporting the implementation of selected initiatives in Health and Education which are between 50%-75% complete and to provide further support to longer term projects in the Water and Energy sectors. These are in addition to a new initiative to support revenue generation in the Freetown City Council and the Western Area Rural district council.

Clean payroll and reallocate teachers
Reduce unapproved schools
Construct 500 furnished classrooms (Phase 2)
School feeding programme

Rehabilitate existing Freetown water supply infrastructure and implement pro-poor water supply ( post PRP completion )

Strengthen the national community health worker programme
Strengthen the Drug supply chain system
Develop a functional national ambulance service
Improve community sanitation

​ Initiatives:
Install electricity in schools, hospitals and other institutions and build solar systems (UNOPS)
Establish collection account and sector wide budget
Complete T&D upgrades in Western Area and Wellington Express line plus kick-starting the CEC project
30 MW HFO Government Owned
14-15 MW Grid solar

Increase property tax base
Improve management of property tax with focus on tax efficiency, effectiveness and equity
Enhance revenue mobilization strategy ( post PRP completion)