Ebola don go, leh we make Salone grow!
The President's Recovery Priorities (Phase 2)
The Early Recovery (6-9 months)
The President's Recovery Priorities represent a multi-stakeholder programme of investment, led by the Government of Sierra Leone and focused on education, energy, governance, health, private sector development, social protection and water. The programme is intended to drive sustainable socio-economic transformation in Sierra Leone following the twin shocks of the Ebola Virus Epidemic and falling commodity prices.
The Early Recovery stage, initiated after the International Ebola Recovery Conference, 10 July 2015 in New York, lasted nine-months and focused on getting to and remaining at zero, as well as immediate priorities in the education, health, social protection and private sectors.
Following the New York pledging conference, overall responsibility for the planning, development and implementation of the second phase of the recovery, was assigned to the Chief of Staff by President Ernest Bai Koroma, and a dedicated delivery team recruited to coordinate and drive delivery.
The second phase of the President’s Recovery Priorities draws on lessons learned from the Ebola response and the nine-month early recovery phase.
Its extended reach and breadth targets seven priority sectors, to deliver measurable, long-term socio-economic transformation in Sierra Leone.
Period: 1 June 2016-31 July 2017
Phase two of the President's Recovery Priorities will address seven priority sectors to deliver measurable and sustainable transformation, and transition the economy back to the Agenda for Prosperity.
Each sector has:
Two key results areas, with the exception of Governance that has one.
Specific, measurable targets, which are to be met by June 2017.
A defined set of initiatives and sub-initiatives to achieve the target.
The estimated budget needed to deliver the initiatives.
Defined timing and sequencing of critical activities.
Period: 24 July 2015-April 2016
The early recovery phase of the President's Recovery Priorities addressed four sectors:
Healthcare: Achieving and maintaining a resilient zero by focusing on the safety of patients and healthcare workers; and providing essential healthcare to the general population through 41 government hospitals and 1,184 primary healthcare facilities across the country.
Education: Returning children to school safely; accelerating learning through teacher training and learning materials; reducing overcrowding; providing tuition waivers and other school attendance incentives; and providing WASH facilities in schools.
Social Protection: Protecting the vulnerable through income support, minimising EVD vulnerability and strengthening the social protection information system.
Private sector development: Focusing on agriculture and trade by providing support for farmers, improving access to markets including feeder road rehabilitation and supporting SMEs.