Paramount Chiefs get chiefdom-specific information on President’s Recovery Priorities as Chief of St

Ebola don go, leh we make Salone grow!
Paramount Chiefs have recently been provided with chiefdom-specific information on initiatives to be delivered under the President’s Recovery Priorities. According to the Paramount Chiefs, the information, which includes beginning and end dates of all initiatives, plus contact details of the person responsible provides them with a welcome level of planning and detail in public sector delivery.
Paramount Chief Charlie of Ribbi Chiefdom, Moyamba District says that the Chiefdom specific information packs on the President’s Recovery Priorities contain very useful data on the activities that will take place in their chiefdoms. “This is the first time we have received this level of detailed information and it is very useful because it means that we have the information to be able to monitor relevant activities, ensure they take place and address issues or difficulties throughout the process.”
These Chiefdom Information Packs were designed and produced in order to give the Paramount and Section Chiefs the necessary information to track delivery of initiatives planned as part of the President’s Recovery Priorities, and identify and escalate any challenges which might delay the recovery process.
Managing the team responsible for delivering the President’s Recovery Priorities is Saidu Conton-Sesay, the Chief of Staff. He explains the thinking behind providing such detailed information: “The President’s Recovery Priorities are intended to work together to deliver a significant socio-economic surge to Sierra Leone within a limited time period generating a wave of development in our people, processes and utility sectors that will carry us back on track to achieve the Agenda for Prosperity. The individual activities and initiatives that take place at chiefdom level will combine to create visible difference across the country and the nation depends on the help and support of the country’s traditional leaders to track and ensure their delivery.
“We are committed to the transparency of this process, through information-sharing in meetings, regional tours, the media, on our website, through the social media and a range of other channels. This transparency is the foundation of the accountable and open process that is essential to the success of Sierra Leone’s recovery.”